
Andi 6.1.0

Andi 6.1.0

Component Feature
New Chart Types
Data Analysis Tools
  • Timestamp conversion - more conversion types, each with type specific sorters automatically applied. A simple click on the header to sort the converted timestamps
Simplified Pivot Model The Pivot model is now a separate easy to use dialog to quickly create a pivot table model.
Help Center All HelpCenter help content updated with new images and enhanced content
Simplified Pivot Chart The Pivot Chart
Simplified Chart Dialog Stream lined chart creator provides additional options for creating your chart.
Email Capabilities
  • Distribution lists can be defined to allow emails to be sent quickly and easily to one or more users
  • The Chart Viewer now allows Charts being viewed to be sent directly one or more users using pre-defined distribution lists
Integrated Scripting
  • chartManager and chartModel allow charts to be created dynamically and viewed, saved, printed or sent as email
  • emailManager allows charts to be sent as attachments to one or more users or to a distribution list


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