Bugs Fixed
Open Tools browser, navigate to Custom Queries tab, and select a saved query. Change part of Custom Query text, select Run, then exit browser. Reopening browser displays updated Custom Query, even though user did not select Update button. | In the current version of Andi you access the Custom Queries using the Tools menu. The updated text will no longer be displayed unless the Custom Queries panel is left open. |
When creating connection, if on the test connection page and navigating back, URL is deleted from entry page. |
Need to handle table synonyms for the catalog explorer on Oracle | |
The "Filter Values" function - Right click on results header works but edit->paste->SQL Modifications create a where clause "FILTER_VALUES in (1207,2130,3001)" where FILTER_VALUES must be the actual column name. |
Performance Enhancements
Alt-t with a default schema with 10,000+ tables/synonyms, the dialog disappears and then it take 15-20 seconds to display the selection list dialog? Use a table instead of a list??? | After enhancements, 14,000+ tables display in less than 1.5 seconds. |
The "Filter Values" selection list is very slow when the number of items is over 15,000 unique values. |
After enhancements, over 130,000 distinct names can be displayed in less than 1 second. |